We have several events planned this Winter and spring, plus kennel staff and cleaning AND we need your help!! Visit our Events Pages.
Please click here to download our volunteer application and be added to our volunteer list and scheduler so you can help. 
We need volunteers who are reliable and really want to be involved when volunteers are needed at events and in the shelter. 

Who We Are

Our Mission

To help animals and people in Norfolk County and to promote and provide education on good pet ownership and care for all animals.

Vision Statement

For all animals to be treated with compassion without the threat of ever being unwanted or abandoned, they might live in a community where overpopulation of companion animals is diminished by humane intervention not euthanasia.

About Simcoe and District Humane Society

Chartered in 1953, Simcoe and District Humane Society volunteers have provided Animal Welfare Services in and around Norfolk County.

Simcoe and District Humane Society is a non-profit, charitable organization relying on fundraising activities and donations from members of the community.

Volunteers look after every aspect of the Society including daily operations and working hands on with the animals from intake to adoption. Foster homes and the temporary shelter are a great asset to the Society as the organization prepares to raise funds for a much-needed building.

Regular Hours for Our Office
11am - 3pm (Closed Wednesday and Sunday by appointment)
Please, the best way to contact us is by email or Click This link!

 Arrangements will be made through email to drop donations off, pick up animals, and for clinic dates.  All shelter hours, clinics and pre-arranged appointments will still move forward.

Emergencies only call 519-428-9161 press 2

Use the links above to register for our different programs or place your supply orders.

To find out who else to call please CLICK HERE 

We are still working and helping the animals and we still need your support and donations.  Outside Fundraisers, Corporate Donations and monthly donations are greatly appreciated.

Are You a Senior or an adult with a few hours available every week? Are You a student needing Community Service Hours? Could you come in and support the kennel staff by washing dishes and litter pans, sweeping up, and putting stuff away?  Please stop in and help ... hours? 7am - 11am and 5pm - 9pm.  This will help a lot!  Let's talk to the Kennel Staff and lend a hand!!

We are in Norfolk County !

IMPORTANT!  We have had serious issues with our email provider s-dhs.ca and have not received emails since February 13.  Please, if you have sent emails during this time, please resend to info@SimcoeDHumane.ca

Our email addresses are changing - please check our contact list here.  It will take a few days to change links on our system.

Your Donation Today Will Help Save An Animal's Life

The Simcoe and District Humane Society (SimcoeDHumane) is an organization that believes every animal has a voice.

We do not offer help owners with Spay/Neuter services at this time but can help you locate a service provider ~ Click Here

Please donate to help the animals in the care of SimcoeDHumane and those that will be coming in through the spring season ... moms and babies, orphans and little ones !

Your Donation Counts!
Click here for more information

Our services

From Intake to Adoption, Return

Volunteers look after all animals from the stray off the street, the surrendered, the abandoned, the sick, the injured, the dying ...

Each animal is health assessed, medically treated, if necessary, tested for species specific diseases (such as FIV/Felv for cats, Heartworm/Lyme for dogs), treated, if possible, vaccinated to date, dewormed, flea treated, microchipped, spayed/neutered, and readied for adoption. 

To View Report in PDF, Click Here

Please Donate Today e-transfer finance@s-dhs.ca or click the QR Code to donate via PayPal

Education and Fact-Based Seminars

Volunteers are always preparing for Educational Seminars on our Foster Care Program, interactions with scared and less social animals, directives on appropriate animal care and information on Simcoe and District Humane Society.

Are you interested in gaining knowledge in these areas or have a group or organization that wants to know more about SDHS please click on the button below. 


We Need Volunteers to help with our Seniors With Animals as Pets Program!

Pets make great companions for seniors and SDHS tries to help Seniors keep their pets in their homes instead of surrendering them.

This is better for both the Senior and their pet!

Volunteers visit the home and help place bowls, litter pans, and other needs of the animal to help the senior care for their pet, or it's possible daily visits may be needed.

Dog walking, playtime, vet visits may also be asked from the Society.

We need your help to enable us to continue the program.

Click Here To Learn More

Click Here to Volunteer Specifically to this program

Helping Hands Helping Hearts

One of our busiest programs relies on donors, foster homes, and boarding facilities as we help those facing difficult life events. 

It may be just a helping hand with some extra pet food until payday or a 6–8-week pet stay while owners are in a shelter due to a family violence situation. 

SDHS works closely with many County organizations and support services to help family pets in need.

We need your help with donations of food, pet related supplies, money, and foster homes to help this program.  You can donate at the shelter, by PayPal or   e-transfer finance@s-dhs.ca 

Click on the link to become a foster home for bunnies, cats, dogs, small animals, rodents, and others while the owner gets the help they need.

  Many SPCA's and Shelters are initiating programs such as this, however, SDHS has been busy with this program for 20+ years. 

Click the Helping Hands, Helping Hearts Button to Pay By PayPal

Lost and Found Animals

Lost and Found Animals

There is always a chance that Kitty or Pup may wander away becoming lost.

Simcoe and District Humane Society volunteers try their hardest to help get these animals back to their owners.

If you have lost or found an animal, please help us by answering the questions on this lost and found form and please send us a picture of the animal.


For more information visit

Donate through PayPal!
Petfinder.com - Paw Print of Approval
24 Grigg Drive
Simcoe, ON N3Y 4L1


                            Fax: 1-866-817-1819


© Copyright Simcoe and District Humane Society

Donate today ...
Charitable Organization #: 119150282RR0001

Your Donation Today Will Help Save an Animal's Life