We are looking for urgent foster homes to take on 2 puppies while we get all their vaccines, and other vetting done.
They are approximately 9-10 weeks old, possibly Shepherd mixes and were found hiding in someone's garden, just hanging out, chilled and afraid. The numbers started to grow as each pup joined the others over a few hours.
During the first 3 weeks and until they get their 2nd vaccines - no playing with other dogs at parks, or your family dogs, friend's dogs; we ask you to keep our pups as safe as possible during their stay with you. On the second booster, we will be looking for Foster2Adopt homes, each pup individually. We provide their food, toys, beds, kennels.
We ask you to provide love, protection, socialization, and some training.
It has been so busy and we may have missed the most important piece of paper ... Your Foster Application.
Call 519-428-2287, call 519-428-9161 press 1, email adoptions@SimcoeDHumane.ca, or just drop by 24 Grigg Drive!! Our staff and volunteers will love to speak with you.
FIRST, we are urgently looking for foster homes to take on 2 (Possibly Lab Mix) puppies while we get all their vaccines, and other vetting done. During the first 3-4 weeks with you, they will get their 3rd and 4th vaccines - until their 3rd vaccine, no playing with other dogs at parks, or your family dogs, friend's dogs; we ask you to keep our pups as safe as possible during their stay with you. On the Third booster, we will be looking for Foster2Adopt homes, each pup individually. We have a scheduled date for their surgery.
SECOND, we are looking for an urgent foster home to take on a 4-month-old, shepherd mix puppy until we can find his adoptive home. He is highly active, needs regular exercise and training, may chew shoes, but is an absolute joy to be around.
THIRD, multiple kitten litters FOURTH, 2 Rabbits and 3 Guinea Pigs