COVID-19 Update 2024

To continue to protect the animals, vulnerable clients, senior volunteers or those who may be immunocompromised, we will continue to wear masks at the shelter and ask everyone to maintain a six-foot distance from others.

Visitors will be limited to 2 at a time or a small family as we have limited room.

We are still working and helping the animals and we still need your support and donations.  Outside Fundraisers, Corporate Donations and monthly donations are greatly appreciated.  Read More

COVID-19 Update March 2022

To continue to protect the animals, vulnerable clients, senior volunteers or those who may be immunocompromised, we will continue to wear masks at the shelter and ask everyone to maintain a six-foot distance from others.

One visitor at a time may visit our animals in the shelter or come in the office with One volunteer.

We will maintain our Virtual Adoption Process and Foster2Adopt program as it has worked so well over the last 2 years. 

We are still working and helping the animals and we still need your support and donations.  Outside Fundraisers, Corporate Donations and monthly donations are greatly appreciated.

Your Donation Is Needed Today!  Please give to help us continue to help the many animals who need our care!

Make Your Donation Count to Help the Animals in the Future!
We are an Essential Service

We will continue our Essential Services to assist and protect humans and animal during COVID-19

List of Essential Services:

  • Helping support owners who have financially affected by COVID-19 layoffs and loss of jobs (within our budget and with donated items)
  • Helping support owners who have taken ill, been hospitalized or families of owners who are deceased
    • We are asking owners to please make arrangements for their pet(s) with family and/or friends to look after the animals if they are unable to.
    • The best outcome for any animal is to stay home, stay away from their ill owner, shelter in place.
  • Helping support frontline workers with the animals who have no owner due to COVID-19, next of kin, friends or neighbours who can hold the animal until the worse of COVID-19 is over.
  • Helping owners post lost and found animals and creating digital copies of lost and found posters.
  • Due to our limitations in space, we will not be assisting dogs of any description. Please contact Norfolk County’s Animal Control
  • Within our limits of available crates and cages, provide these to persons in emergency housing situations so they may stay with their pets and not disturb or damage their facility.


Even though we will meet you outside the shelter or veterinary clinic please keep recommended safe social distance, sanitize your hands.  We will not be shaking hands with customers, as suggested by the Public Health Agency of Canada

If you find a seriously sick, severely injured, positively orphaned animal please:

  • Call 519-428-2287 or 519-428-9161 press 2 for our volunteer on call.
    • Please DO NOT use this number to report a stray animal, a raccoon wandering about (it’s spring and mom could be foraging food)  WE WILL NOT BE HELPING WILDLIFE AT ALL
  • You will be asked to forward pictures and video of the illness or injury.
  • You may be asked to give medications if it is noted an injury due to parasites, mites etc.
  • You will be asked to drive the severely injured or serious sick animal to a vet clinic (after hours it may be the Emergency Clinic in Brantford) Arrangements will be made for payment by SimcoeDHumane

If you find a stray dog, please contain it and call Hillside Kennels 519-469-3247 (this includes sick/injured/orphaned)

Wildlife Most Wildlife Custodians understand the risks associated with taking in animals at this time.  Please understand that the outcomes may not be what you desire.

We will be open from Monday and Saturday 11:00 am- 3:00 pm

  1. For those who want to
    1. make a donation,
    2. pick up their pet’s Royal Canin Food, or
    3. Foster Homes to pick up supplies.

Please order the food you need by  Monday Noon online or 11am – 3pm by calling 519-428-9161 press 1

  • You will need to pay by Visa or MasterCard over the phone

Your order will be available for pick up Saturday 11am – 3pm.

  • When you arrive at the shelter, please call 519-428-9161 press 1 to let us know you are there.
  • Volunteers will have your food ready with your receipt on the porch or in case of rain bring your order to your vehicle respecting the Social Distancing rules.

Thank you for understanding our concerns and for your cooperation as we try to be diligent with cleaning, sanitizing, and helping the animals while doing our part to help stop the spread of this disease.

Your Health and Safety and the health of our volunteers, staff, animals and other visitors is our top priority.

Please take care and stay healthy!

If you need food or want to make a financial donation, Please Call Ahead!  The office will be open Monday and Saturday ONLY 11am - 3pm.  

Ways to donate:

  • Online visit a link on our website 
  • through paypal -
  • e-transfer
  • Make a phone call with visa or mastercard 519-428-9161 Monday or Saturday 11am – 3pm

The Public Health Agency of Canada recommends that we all take the following everyday precautionary measures to help prevent the spread of germs and viruses:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly and often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • Cover your mouth and nose with your arm when coughing and sneezing
  • Avoid all non-essential travel

We will still help the animals in need and still need your financial donations to help the animals!

Supplies such as masks, alcohol, hand sanitizer, Paper Towel would be greatly appreciated.


  • We have many cats, puppies, bunnies in care. We will not stop helping animals in need.
  • We have stocked up on food, litter, hay, bedding to get us through the next 4 weeks AND as always have been medically treating the sick and injured, spaying/neutering, treating for fleas and internal parasites, and more.
  • We will not be taking blankets, towels, cloths during this period
  • We have also postponed March/April fundraising events to protect those who would be participating. 
  • One of our next events will be our June Yard and Plant sale.  Date will be determined.

Thank you for doing your part to help keep our communities safe, and for supporting one another as we navigate through this difficult time together.


Many sanitizing wipes, sprays, chemicals can be toxic to animals.  Please read the label before use visit if you suspect your pet got into something. Bleach, Lysol, Pinesol, Ammonia, and more can harm your pet! 

If your pet is not well call your vet Immediately!

Facts about the COVID-19   

List of Non-Essential Services and Services we WILL NOT perform:
  • Taking in strays.
    • If you choose to take the animal into your home, please use an abundance of caution with your other animals regarding transference of disease and parasites.
    • We ask that you leave healthy stray cats alone. We will not be taking healthy stray cats into our shelter at this time.
    • It has been proven that the highest percentage of found animals are found by their owners in their own neighbourhood
    • We will help by creating posters for you and emailing them to you at your email address above.
    • Is it ear tipped? – it has probably been Trapped, neutered, released – Leave it alone, it was released for a reason
  • Orphans
    • Please leave them alone, don't remove them from where they are, and leave them where you find them for mom to come back.
    • After 24-48 hours we will ask you to help feed and keep until the closure is over.
    • The best chance of survival for babies of any species is to stay with the mom. Rarely babies are truly orphaned – they are usually stolen from mom.
  • Pregnant Moms or Moms and babies
    • If you choose to help, let us know.  We can (within our budget and purchasing availability of supplies) help with food, litter, formula. 
    • We will help when our closure is over
    • Again, during COVID-19 the best chance of a pawsitive outcome is to leave them be. 
  • Taking owner/guardian surrenders
    • Their best opportunity for a pawsitive outcome is to stay at home, with family or friends
    • We ask owners to keep their pets in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19
    • If there is no choice, ask family and friends to look after their pet until our closure is over
    • There is a great chance that owned animals will get sick in any shelter setting, especially during this outbreak.
  • Wildlife – please contact  WE CANNOT HELP AT THIS TIME

If you find a stray dog, please contain it and call Hillside Kennels 519-469-3247 (this includes sick/injured/orphaned)

Wildlife Most Wildlife Custodians understand the risks associated with taking in animals at this time.  Please understand that the outcomes may not be what you desire.


© Copyright Simcoe and District Humane Society