Full Name:
Street Address:
Mailing Address:
City, Postal Code
Cell Phone
Home Phone
Email Address
Identification you will be using
If you said "other" in identification please specify
Are you interested in Fostering to Adopt?
Did you wish to be a full time foster with SimcoeDHumane?
Do You Rent or Own you home
If you Rent Your Home do you have an animal agreement with your landlord? Please Explain
How many people live in your home?
How old are the children?
Will the children have involvement with the foster animals?
Does Anyone have allergies to animals?
If you said yes to allergies, are they medically controlled?
Is there a concern that due to allergies the foster animal may need to be removed from the home?
How many hours will this animal be left unattended each day?
How many days per week will they be left alone?
Fosters must keep our animals safe from injury, spread of disease, weather and the elements, undue stress, etc. Please tell us how you will keep them safe.
What type of animal(s) would you like to foster?
Please list the animals you have in your home now.
Are your animals up to date with vaccinations, spayed or neutered?
Are your Animals up to date with Flea/Tick Treatment and currently dewormed?
User Agreement
© Copyright Simcoe and District Humane Society