Need Your Pet's Royal Canin Food?

Please place your order online by Monday 3pm
or by phone 11am - 3pm 519-428-9161 Press 1 

Your order may be paid by e-transfer:

OR over the phone by Visa or MasterCard

We will email you a receipt or place it on your order.

We carry Most Royal Canin Pet Foods (Not Veterinary Food)

Your order will be available for pick up by
Saturday 11am - 3pm

When you get to the shelter call 5194289161 press 1 and let us know you are onsite.

We will set your order on the White Table by the shed with your receipt.

Need your foster Pet's Supplies?

Please place your order online on Monday
or by phone 11am - 3pm 519-428-9161 Press 1 

Your order will be available for pick up Saturday 11am - 3pm

When you get to the shelter call 5194289161 press 1 and let us know you are onsite.

We will place your order on the Stairs to Holding with your Name on it

We have your pet's every need covered at the Shelter

Another way to support SimcoeDHumane and help the animals ... We have toys, leashes, collars, coats, sweaters, fun pet owner items, beautiful jewelry for family and friends. We have these items available at different events, as well.  You may also order your pet's Royal Canin food as well.

Leashes, collars, coats, sweaters, Kong Toys, JW Toys and more!  Come see what we have at SimcoeDHumane's little store!

© Copyright Simcoe and District Humane Society